We are with our farmers every step of the way.
You (poultry farmers) put in long hours, hard days (and sometimes nights), take risks that others would not, raise your family to know what good honest work is, and you keep on going long after others would have given up. Farming isn’t easy. It’s honorable. It’s essential. Our world depends upon you. The PoultrySouth Team is dedicated to helping farmers like you, so that you can keep doing the work of taking care of us.
Just like you love to see the fruits of your labor help other people, The PoultrySouth Team at Southeastern Land Group loves to help our farmers pass along the time-honored tradition of the farming lifestyle. Our goal is to be there for you, every step of the way.

About Us
The PoultrySouth Team at Southeastern Land Group is a full-service real estate team dedicated to helping people sell poultry farms in the Southeast. We have extensive experience in the industry and are committed to providing our clients with the best service possible. We understand the unique challenges that come with selling a poultry farm and strive to provide expert advice and assistance. Our team consists of knowledgeable and experienced professionals who are passionate about helping our clients achieve their goals. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a poultry farm, The PoultrySouth Team at Southeastern Land Group is here to help. Contact us today to get started!
Bryant Breeder Farm – Two 600′ Breeder Houses in Cullman County, AL
Morrow Broiler Farm – 3-House Mega Farm in Marion County, AL
4P Broiler Farm – Boaz, AL
Van Broiler Farm – Four House Farm in Lawrence County, Alabama
Cross Creek Broiler Farm – Four House Farm near Carthage, NC
Hrang Family Breeder Farm
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Years of Combined Experience
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The PoultrySouth Team at Southeastern Land Group has agents throughout the Southeast that are there to help you and help facilitate bringing pre-screened and verified buyers to your farm. No other company specializing in Poultry Farm sales has the local team or the reach that The PoultrySouth Team does.