SOLD!! 7 House Poultry Farm in Pike County, AL

SoldPullet FarmSOLD!! 7 House Poultry Farm in Pike County, AL

SOLD!! 7 House Poultry Farm in Pike County, AL


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    • Description:

      Sold – This is a great income producing farm with 7–40 x 500 pullet houses  with 4 built in 2008 and 3 built in 2012. The farm grosses around $325,000 from the poultry houses with addition income potential from cows, hay and timber. There is 161 acres of land with a manufactured home, compost barn, 2 wells, county water, 2 generators, pond and fenced pasture. The houses have Dutchman feeders and lubing drinkers.This farm is a bio secure area and no visitors are allowed without a SE land Group agent. Buyer prospects must be pre-approved with a lender before viewing the farm.

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    The PoultrySouth Team at Southeastern Land Group has agents throughout the Southeast that are there to help you and help facilitate bringing pre-screened and verified buyers to your farm.  No other company specializing in Poultry Farm sales has the local team or the reach that The PoultrySouth Team does.

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